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Returning Clients


1. Identify the number of active clients in last period

2. Compare to number of active clients this period

3. Subtract any new clients gained in this period.

Go to: Clients Menu > Marketing Schedule >

Clients Tab: 1st Visit Date From [1st of Month] to [31st of Month] in previous period

In the result set below, we have found 111 clients that visited the practice last year.

Now you can generate a list of active clients in the current period.

This result set shows that 185 clients visited the practice in the current period.

Active Clients in Last Period = 111

Active Clients in This Period = 185 (less 80 new clients from previous exercise)

Return Clients in this period = 105

Retention rate 105 / 111 = 95%

Do your new clients exceed lost clients?

How much money and effort is spent attracting new clients Vs keeping existing ones?

Why have these clients not returned?

See Also

Business Analysis and Reporting

Active Clients in Last 12 Months

New Clients

Top Clients by Amount Spent

Top Clients by Frequency of Visit

Monthly Sales

Analyzing Doctor Production X Month

Analyzing Doctor Production X Invoice Totals

Analyzing Doctor Production x Analysis Groups