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Top Clients by Amount Spent

VisionVPM gives you the power to analyse and rank your clients by their financial spend. You can set the parameters for the analysis period and further subdivide by using client markers.

You will need to establish basic parameters for your ranking in the maintenance module > system defaults > Client Detail Settings.

Client Starting No = 1
Star Client List No = 100

Go to: Clients menu > Marketing Scheduler. Select the Extra Searches button from the right hand side of the screen, and use the Top Sales option.

Select a suitable date range for calculation. This may be based on financial year or longer, depending on your business cycle. 18 months gives most valued clients a chance to return to your practice.

Any of one of your client Markers can be used to restrict the search. You may wish to establish your top 100 equine clients Vs your top 100 small animal clients.

You are by no means restricted to the top 100 clients. You may decide to view the top 10 or the top 1000. You can even use this tool to permanently rank the clients found in the search results. The results can be used as the basis of a targeted newsletter , or simply to help identify your more valuable clients.

You can apply new client Markers to the resulting list, or remove any exceptions before mailing correspondence.

See Also

Business Analysis and Reporting

Active Clients in Last 12 Months

New Clients

Returning Clients

Top Clients by Frequency of Visit

Monthly Sales

Analyzing Doctor Production X Month

Analyzing Doctor Production X Invoice Totals

Analyzing Doctor Production x Analysis Groups