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Top Clients by Frequency of Visit

It's easy to see who spent the most money with your practice over the past year. This might include clients with sick pets, wellness consults and referrals. Often these top sales figures tend to ignore clients still visit on a regular basis but don't spend as much.

The Sales Reports - Monthly Statistics allow you to generate a wide matrix of views, grouped by client, vet, clinic, sales group, and more.

Go to: Clients Module > Reports Menu > Sales Reports > Monthly Statistic

In this case, we will analyse the past year and set the Primary Grouping = Client

These parameters would normally generate the following report that highlights No. of Sales per client, as well as Total Sales and Average Sale. To sort these results by highest frequency of visit, you can Send to Excel.

By sending to Excel, you can sort, filter and find the information that suits you.

If you follow the steps below, we will count the total number of visits for each client and then re-sort by highest frequency of visit. Don't be surprised to find Cash Sales at the top of the list – although as a goal, cash sales should be minimised to help track buying behaviour and manage patient compliance.

  1. Select the column: Client Last Name
  2. From the Data menu (in Excel 2000, 2003, 2007)
  3. Select Subtotals
  4. At each change in the Client Code, or Client Last Name, use the Sum function on the Number of Sales
  5. Click OK

This will produce a view that has been restructured to show 3 different levels of subtotals.

We are not interested in each individual visit, so in the next step we will condense the view to the level of the Client Code.

  1. In the top left corner of the spreadsheet, click on the level 2, which will compact the tree structure as shown in step 7 below.

  1. Select the column for Number of Sales.
  2. Click on the Icon Z – A, which will display the clients with highest number of visits in the period you have specified.

This will show the clients who have the highest frequency of visit. Don't be surprised if many of your top clients are actually your staff! By generating this report you can recognise those bonded clients who visit the practice on a regular basis. Is this your invitation list for the next Christmas party?

When you generate this report, don't forget you can use your client Marker to perhaps see a list of Equine clients Vs Small animal clients. You may wish to identify the clients for each department or clinic.

See Also

Business Analysis and Reporting

Active Clients in Last 12 Months

New Clients

Returning Clients

Top Clients by Amount Spent

Monthly Sales

Analyzing Doctor Production X Month

Analyzing Doctor Production X Invoice Totals

Analyzing Doctor Production x Analysis Groups