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Using Reminders for In-Clinic Messages & Client Recalls

The reminder system can also be used for in-clinic messages. Daily Reminders are reminders to the clinic, for example, to send a condolence card after an animal has been euthanased.

These reminders are also useful for treatment follow up and for boosting compliance - they can be accessed from the appointment schedule by clicking on the button.
Daily Reminders should be set up on a stock item or professional fee.

  1. Go to: Stock menu > Reminder Details.
  2. Click Insert.

  3. In the Reminder Code field, enter a code for the reminder.
  4. Select Daily reminder.
  5. In the Description field, enter a description for the reminder.
  6. Select the Don't display these reminders on the client details screen check box.
  7. Click Save.

To view Daily Reminders

  1. Go to: Main menu > Appointment List.
  2. Click the button and then select Daily Reminders.
  3. In the From and To fields, type the date range to display the reminders.

    Optional: You can filter the reminder list by user by clicking the User arrow, and then selecting the user.

  4. Click OK.

To Action Daily Reminders

From the generated list, you can:

By selecting the Notified button, you can mark all reminders displayed with a date stamp indicating when the callback was made.

See Also

Working with Reminders

To create a new Reminder

Using Stock Reminders

Automate your Reminders with Formulations

Using Reminders for Internal Tasks

How to insert a manual reminder