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Using Stock Reminders

Once your reminder codes have been created, they can be attached to a stock item, for example, vaccinations. Every time the stock item Vaccination C5 is sold to a client, a reminder is attached to the animal record so a letter to be sent to that client in the future.

To add a reminder code to a stock item

Go to: Stock menu > Stock Details.

  1. Find the stock code to which you wish to attach a reminder code.
  2. From the Stock Details window, click Reminder, and then click Insert.
  3. From the Stock Reminder window, click the Code arrow, and then double-click the reminder code.

  4. Select whether the action will be to add or remove the reminder.
  5. Click Save.

See Also

Working with Reminders

To create a new Reminder

Automate your Reminders with Formulations

Using Reminders for In-Clinic Messages & Client Recalls

Using Reminders for Internal Tasks

How to insert a manual reminder