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Commonly used estimates can be set up as templates which can then be customised for the individual client or animal.

There are three steps to setting up estimates. These are:

  1. Setting up Introduction and Conclusion Messages
  2. Setting up Estimate Types.
  3. Selecting an Estimate Report type.

Setting up Introduction and Conclusion Messages

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Lookup Lists > Estimates > Estimate Messages.

  1. Click Insert and type a Code for the Introduction, for example, CRUCINTRO, for a cruciate introduction.
  2. Select Introduction to letter and press TAB.

  3. In the Text box enter the introduction that you want to appear on the estimate.
  4. Clicking Field List. will display a list of fields available for merging.
  5. To set this message as the default introduction message, click Set Default Introduction.
  6. Click Save.

Conclusion messages are created in the same way as introduction messages except that you select Conclusion to letter.

Use the Field List button to select fields you want to have personalised and choose the Vet Name to finish off the letter.

Setting up Estimate Types

Pricing templates can be created for estimates.

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Lookup Lists > Estimates > Estimate Types.
  2. Click Insert.

  3. In the Type box, type a code for the estimate you wish to create, for example, CRUC for Cruciate Surgery.
  4. In the Description box, type the name that will appear in the letter, for example, Cruciate Surgical Procedure for Medium Dogs.
  5. In the Introduction box, click Message then double-click to select the Introduction message that you require in the estimate letter.
  6. Click the Stock arrow and then select the stock items (procedures and products) that will be charged in this estimate.
  7. In the Conclusion box, click Message, and then double-click to select the Conclusion message you wish to be displayed in the estimate.
  8. Click Save.

Estimate templates can also be created at the time of creating an estimate for a client.

Setting up an Estimate Report Type

This allows you to select the format for your estimate.

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Lookup Lists > Client Related Lists > Estimates > Estimate Reports.

  2. Double-click the required format.
  3. Click Close.

See Also

New Topic (3)

Client Markers

Custom Fields

Client Address Locations

Invoice Messages

Eftpos/Credit Card Types