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Client Address Locations

Entering suburbs, cities or towns and the postcodes they are associated with will provide a list of suburbs to speed up data entry processes and promote consistency within your database.

The suburb list can be used to complete the address in the Client Details window.

To create a Client Address Locations

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Codes and Descriptions > Client Address Locations.
  2. If the Type field in Maintenance > Company Information is set to 0 (New Zealand) the following window will be displayed.

  3. If the Type field in Maintenance > Company Information is set to 1 (Australia) the following window will be displayed.

  4. In the Suburb or Town/City field, type the name of the suburb or town/city.
  5. Click the City or State arrow and select the city or state.
  6. In the Postcode field, type the postcode number.
  7. Click Save.

Default address settings can be loaded in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Client tab > Client and Patient Settings. These will save you time when entering new clients if they majority of your new clients are located in the default address locations.

New Zealand Client and Patient Settings:

Australian Client and Patient Settings:

See Also

New Topic (3)

Client Markers


Custom Fields

Invoice Messages

Eftpos/Credit Card Types