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To unreconcile a Bank Statement

A bank statement can be unreconciled if for some reason it has been saved with incorrect opening or closing balances. You will need the original bank statement.

  1. Go to: Main menu > General Ledger module > General Ledger menu > Bank Reconciliation.
  2. The Account field displays the default bank account. A different bank account can be selected by using the list arrow and double-clicking to select.
  3. From the Bank Account Selection window, in the Statement No field, type the number of the bank statement.
  4. Select Previous Reconciliation.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Type the Opening Balance from the Bank Statement.
  7. Double-click all items from the Reconciled list.

See Also

Bank Reconciliation

Setting up for a first Bank Reconciliation

To enter an Opening Balance Journal

First Bank Reconciliation

To perform a Bank Reconciliation

How to correct Bank Deposit and Eftpos entries