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At End of Year


  1. Ensure all payments are processed.
  2. Ensure all Eftpos Deposits to the end of the year are saved.
  3. Ensure all cash and cheques are processed through the banking in VisionVPM and the Bank Deposit saved.

Load all Goods Receipts

  1. Ensure all supplier invoices dated up to and including the end of year date have been entered.
  2. If goods have been received with no invoices up to and including the end of year date, enter a Goods Receipt for these items.
  3. If you electronically download supplier invoices check the e-Order pending Invoice List has been cleared for goods received up to and including the end of year date.

Stock Take

Ideally, the physical count of the stock should be done on a single day. The totals should be as at close of business on the last day of the financial year. The data can be entered later time if necessary, but all data entry must use the date of the stock take.

Check stock take settings in Maintenance

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Stock tab > Use a zero stock take.

Counting the stock

There are several ways a stock take can be done. It can be done using just VisionVPM, or using the e-Order integration, with or without a handheld scanner. Using VisionVPM:

  1. Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Taking > Stock Taking Options > Print the stock report.
  2. Select the required options.
  3. Use this paper report to record your stock count.

Alternatively, stock levels can be entered directly into VisionVPM through Edit the Stock take.

Using e-Order:

Prior to using e-Order for stock taking, ensure that departments in VisionVPM are matched with locations in e-Order and that any stock counts from previous stock takes have been cleared.

Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Taking > Hand Held Scanner Options > Export to e-Order.

Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Taking > Hand Held Scanner Options > Clear Previous Records.

  1. Follow e-Order stocktake instructions

Entering the stock count into VisionVPM

Using VisionVPM

This information needs to be entered manually:

  1. Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Taking > Stock Taking Options > Edit the stock take.
  2. Select the required options.
  3. Enter the stock count into VisionVPM
  4. Click Save.

Using e-Order

If the e-Order integration with VisionVPM is in place, the information can be transferred electronically from e-Order to VisionVPM.

  1. Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Taking > Hand Held Scanner Options > Download Information.
  2. Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Taking > Hand Held Scanner Options > View Records. Check what has been downloaded.
  3. To add the downloaded information into the VisionVPM stock take, go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Taking > Stock Taking Options > Edit the stock take.
  4. Enter the date, select the department and select Include products without activity.
  5. Click Yes to the prompt to include items from the hand held scanner in the stock take.

Stock Variance Report

  1. Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Reports menu > Stock Variance Report.
  2. Enter the stock take date.
  3. Select required options.
  4. Click OK.

Check the Stock Variance Report for any unusual values as these may indicate that the wrong units were used for data entry on some products.

Further information on stock taking is available in the Stock User Guide.

See Also

End of Year procedures

Prior to End of Year

After End of Year

Reports for Accountant

Finalise the financial year

End of Year Rollover