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End of Year procedures

There are several activities that should be completed before, on and after the financial year. An overview of the tasks is below with further detail following.

Prior to End of Year

At End of Year

After the end of financial year

Reports for Accountant

Finalise the Financial Year

In This Section

Prior to End of Year

At End of Year

After End of Year

Reports for Accountant

Finalise the financial year

End of Year Rollover

See Also

General Ledger

The Chart of Accounts

Journal Entries

Cashbook Deposits

Cashbook Payments


Automatic Deposits and Payments

Bank Reconciliation

Asset Register

Depreciate Assets

Payee/Drawer Codes

General Ledger Graphs

Merge Accounts with Excel

General Ledger Reports

Petty Cash and Floats

End of Month procedures