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Charge Member Fees

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Database Maintenance > Client Maintenance > Charge Member Fees.

This procedure is used to charge a set fee to a group of clients. For example, Vet Club Members.

Enter relevant information into the fields provided.

The GL Sales code is for the account to which the fees will be allocated.

The Description on Invoice is the entry that will appear on the client invoice.

The Clients with Marker is used if there are to be different fees for different marker groups or different departments, then each data set has to be entered separately.

Must have invoice activity between - if dates are entered in here this will ensure that only clients that have had activity in the specified period will be charged.

Exclude zero balance clients as at - if a date is entered here then clients whose balance is at zero at the specified date will not be charged.

Exclude clients in credit - if this option is ticked then clients in credit will not be charged.

Click OK to apply. The fee will be added to the selected clients' activity as an invoice on the date entered.

See Also

Client Maintenance

Rebuild Client Markers

Rebuild Client Activity

Select Clients for Interest

Move Company Name

Set Client Discounts

Update Animal Codes

Link Animals to Reminder

Delete Duplicate Reminders

Add Groups to Clinical Records


Check Estimate Types

Remove Speech Marks

Delete Duplicate F_Dr_Entry

Convert eWizard letters to VPMMail

Validate email Addresses

Split out Postcodes

Clear Custom Fields