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Client Refund Scenarios

Following are examples of how to deal with different credit situations.

Example 1

Client has previously bought three stock items on an invoice and now wants to return one of the stock items from the invoice. The stock item is going back onto the shelf to be resold and the client wants a refund in cash.

You should reverse the invoice, clicking Clear Qty Returned and enter 1 in the Qty Returned and Qty added into stock fields.

Click Save, and then click Yes to the following prompt.

Then enter a negative Cash payment for the refund.

Example 2

Client has bought three stock items and now wants to return one of the stock items from the invoice. The stock item cannot be resold as the bag was opened. The client wants to leave the credit on their account as they will be purchasing further stock in the future.

You should reverse the invoice, clicking Clear Qty Returned and enter 1 in the Qty Returned field and 0 in the Qty added into stock field.

Click Save, and then click No to the following prompt.

Example 3

Client buys products and wants to return all products and all products are going back into stock and the client requires a cash refund.

You should reverse the entire invoice by clicking Save.

Then click Yes to the following prompt and enter a negative cash payment.

Example 4

Client has overpaid their account. If reimbursed by cash, enter a negative cash payment on the client for the overpayment. If reimbursed by cheque or direct debit enter a negative direct credit payment on the client as per the following screenshot. This will go straight to the bank reconciliation without affecting the till. If you refund the client by cheque, enter the cheque details into the Notes section on the Client Details window.

As per the screenshot above, the amount of $34.20 was an overpayment and therefore unallocated.

VisionVPM automatically selects to use the unallocated amount, which you should not change.

The direct credit payment of $-34.20 cancels out the overpayment of $34.20, leaving the Outstanding amount as $0.00 on the Client Activity window.

To clear the Outstanding column you should manually allocate the -$34.20.

To manually allocate -$34.20, from the Client Activity window, click Allocate.

VisionVPM will display the Unallocated Payments/Credits window.

Click Auto, and then click Yes to the following prompt:

Click OK to the following message:

VisionVPM will automatically allocate the payment, and will display the following message:

Click OK.

The Outstanding column will now be clear.

See Also


Reversing invoices

Reversing partial invoice

Editing payments

Reversing payments

How to deal with a bounced cheque