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Stock Taking using the Hand Held Device

The Provet handheld scanner can be used for stock taking. The following instructions are an overview of the process. More information can be obtained from your Provet Account Manager or from Provet IT.

The stock take process involves:

  1. Save previous stock take information
  2. Match Department codes
  3. Copy blank e-Order stock take database
  4. Export VisionVPM Stock List
  5. Export to e-Order
  6. Process the Provet e-Order stock take
  7. Clear Previous Records
  8. Download product count information into VisionVPM
  9. View Records
  10. Zero stock take (optional)
  11. Add downloaded information into VisionVPM stock take.

Step 1: Save previous stock take information

If you have done a previous stock take using the Provet e-Order stock take module you should backup this information before you begin. You can do this by copying the eoStkTake.mdb file from the e-Order directory onto removable media such as DVD, tape or memory stick. Typically this file is stored in the c:\program files\e-Order directory.

Step 2: Match departments in Provet e-Order to departments in VisionVPM

If the clinic is using departments, it is vital that the departments in Provet e-Order are matched to the departments in VisionVPM before uploading.

To do this, use the main Provet e-Order shortcut on your desk top (N.B. Not the Provet e-Order stock take shortcut).

Once you have logged on, the Launch Pad will be displayed.

Click System Setup and Options and then click the Locations tab.

The departments set up within Provet e-Order will be displayed.

Either double-click the desired location, or highlight the location and click the Edit button to open the Edit Location window.

Step 3: Copy blank e-Order stock take database

You will need to contact the Provet IT Service Desk to obtain a blank copy of the e-Order stock take database.

Step 4: Export VisionVPM Stock List

This function will create a text file containing all active stock records. This is used to populate the e-Order stock take database with all active stock records including those marked as Discontinued. The text file will contain the stock sequence number, description and pack size. This file does not contain the Provet codes.

Click Yes to the the following prompt:

Click No to the following prompt, as you will want all stock records to be captured:

VisionVPM will display a message similar to the following:

You can then import this file into e-Order

You will then need to navigate to the path where VisionVPM created the text file above and select the text file. For example, C:\VISIONVPM_LATEST\VPM_Stock.txt as from above.

Step 5: Export to e-Order

This will send the VisionVPM stock list to the Provet e-Order stock take database automatically so that those products can have barcodes printed and are available for use through the hand held scanner.

Please note, VisionVPM does not export inactive stock items or those marked as Discontinued.

Go to: Stock menu > Stock Taking > Hand Held Scanner Options.

Step 6: Process the Provet e-Order stock take

Using the Provet e-Order Stock Take module, process the stock take. For further information regarding stock taking, please refer to your Provet e-Order manual.

Step 7: Clear Previous Records

When you are ready to download the stock take information back into VisionVPM:

Go to: Stock menu > Stock Taking > Hand Held Scanner Options > Clear Previous Records.

  1. Click Clear Previous Records to clear any previous hand held stock taking information imported from Provet e-Order out of VisionVPM (if any exists). This should be performed at the very start of each stock take. The following prompt will be displayed:

  2. If you are sure that the records in the system are not part of the current stock take, click Yes.
  3. The following message will be displayed:

Step 8: Download product count information into VisionVPM

This will import any stock taking information that has been downloaded from the hand held scanner into Provet e-Order. An optional department can be specified or use 'All' to download stock taking records for all departments. Stock taking can be moved from Provet e-Order to VisionVPM in steps or in a single download. Once imported, this information will be stored in a separate table within VisionVPM and the user will be automatically prompted as to whether they want to bring this information through when the next stock take is performed.

  1. Using VisionVPM, go to: Stock menu > Stock Taking > Handheld scanner options.
  2. Select the appropriate department and click Download. We recommend that you should always click No to the following prompt:

    Once you can confirmed that you do not want to remove the stock take data from e-Order, VisionVPM will begin downloading the stock take information.

  3. When complete, the following prompt will be displayed:

  4. The stock taking information is now available in VisionVPM.

Step 9: View Records

Go to: Stock menu > Stock Taking > Hand Held Scanner Options > View Records.

The downloaded records can be viewed using this facility. A window will be displayed giving a list of all products downloaded into VisionVPM. The quantity, department and downloaded date are also displayed. If required, individual products can be deleted from this window.

Step 10: Zero stock take (optional)

You can select to zero the stock on hand quantity as at the date of the stock take. To do this:

  1. Go to: Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Stock tab.

  2. Select the Use a zero stocktake check box.
  3. Go to: Stock menu > Stock Taking > Stock Taking Options.
  4. Enter the stock take date.
  5. If you are using departments, to zero the stock on hand quantities for all departments, remove the department number from the Dept Code field.
  6. Select Zero the stock levels.
  7. Click Ok.

  8. Click Yes to the following prompt.

    VisionVPM will then zero stock on hand quantities for all departments.

Step 11: Adding Downloaded information to the VisionVPM Stock Take

The downloaded stock take information is held within the table shown above, in VisionVPM. Each time a download is completed from Provet e-Order, the table is added to.

Once all the stock items have been downloaded into VisionVPM, they must be inserted into the stock take.

  1. Go to: Stock menu > Stock Taking > Stock Taking Options.
  2. Select Edit, and enter the stock date.
  3. If you are using departments, select the department for which you are entering the stock take. The Include products without activity check box will be selected by default.
  4. The following prompt will be displayed:

  5. Click Yes to this prompt to include the information in the stock take.
  6. The stock count from the Provet e-Order handheld scanner which has already been downloaded into VisionVPM will now be included in the stock take and the department stock take list window will be displayed.
  7. The following prompt will also advise the number of items that had stock numbers adjusted in from the download.

  8. Save the stock take.
  9. If you are using departments, you can then continue to download stock quantities for all other departments by following steps 1-8 above.

You can then print the Stock Variance report.

See Also

5.7 e-Order Integration with VisionVPM

Provet stock ordering

Receiving Stock - Download Provet Invoice

Validate Codes

Product Update

Update Prices

Provet Product List