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Working with Syndicates

VisionVPM allows you to create a syndicate group of owners who have shares in a particular animal – usually a horse.

How does it work?

All syndicate members must first be entered as clients in VisionVPM.

Once all syndicate members have been entered they can be allocated a share of responsibility from the syndicate record.

Horses can then be entered against the syndicate as you would add patients to a normal client.

Any bills (or earnings) related to that animal are then divided according to the ownership shares.

There are 4 steps to setting up a syndicate, as follows:

  1. Create a syndicate record
  2. Attach members to a syndicate record.
  3. Set up a syndicate holding account.
  4. Configure the syndicate holding account.

Step 1: Create a syndicate record

Go to: Clients menu > Client Details.

  1. From the Client List window, click Insert.

  2. Enter the client's name and contact details.
  3. Click Save.



It is important for the clinic to be consistent with the entry of clients' details as this can impact on how well clients can be searched upon and how well client details are generated in a mail merge.

Step 2: Attach members to a syndicate record

  1. From the Client Details window, click Syndicate.
  2. For each syndicate member, click Insert.
  3. From the Syndicate Share window, click the Client Code arrow, and then locate and select the required syndicate member.
  4. In the Share % field, type the percentage of the share owned by the syndicate member, and then click Save.
  5. Continue steps 2 to 4 above until all syndicate members have been entered and the percentage shares equal 100 percent.
  6. Click Close.

Step 3: Set up a syndicate holding account

Go to: General ledger module > General Ledger menu > Chart of Accounts.

  1. From the GL Account List window, click Insert.
  2. In the Account Code fields, type a code and description for the syndicate holding account.
  3. Select the Current Asset account type, and the Zero Rated for GST check box.
  4. Click Save.

Step 4: Configure the syndicate holding account

Go to: Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Account Defaults.

  1. From the Account Defaults window, in the Syndicate Holding A/c box, type the code for the syndicate holding account.
  2. Click Save.


See Also

Client Details

Search for Client

Client Details window

Client button descriptions

Clients Details sidebar

Settings tab

Balances tab

Reports tab

Creating a Client record

Inserting a Write Off

Dealing with duplicated client records

How to print a statement for the client

How to print an address label for a client

How to record equipment on loan