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How to record equipment on loan

You might regularly loan equipment from your clinic, for example, cat/dog cages. VisionVPM allows you to capture this information and readily access all equipment on loan from your clinic.

To enter equipment on loan

Go to: Clients menu > Client Details > select client.

  1. From the Client Details window, click On Loan.
  2. Click Insert and then enter the required details.

  3. Click Save and Close.
  4. The On Loan button will be displayed with blue text.

To print a list of equipment on loan

  1. Go to: Clients module > More Reports > Equipment on Loan.

  2. In the Loaned between and fields enter the date range that you wish VisionVPM to search for loaned equipment.
  3. Click Ok.
  4. Select your report destination and click OK.

To record equipment which has been returned

Go to: Clients menu > Client Details > select client.

  1. From the Client Details window, click On Loan.
  2. Double-click the line containing the returned equipment.
  3. In the Returned field, enter the date the equipment was returned.

  4. Click Save.

To print a list of equipment that has been returned

  1. Go to: Clients module > More Reports > Equipment on Loan.

  2. In the Returned between and fields enter the date range that you wish VisionVPM to search for loaned equipment that has been returned.
  3. Click Ok.
  4. Select your report destination and click OK.

See Also

Client Details

Search for Client

Client Details window

Client button descriptions

Clients Details sidebar

Settings tab

Balances tab

Reports tab

Creating a Client record

Working with Syndicates

Inserting a Write Off

Dealing with duplicated client records

How to print a statement for the client

How to print an address label for a client