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Inserting a Write Off

You would consider writing off a client's balance if all other avenues of obtaining the outstanding amount have been exhausted.

  1. Search for the client that you wish to insert a write-off.
  2. From the Client Details window, click Write Off.
  3. In the User field, enter your user code.
  4. In the Entry Description field, enter the reason for the write off.
  5. Click Save.


If the client is a bad debtor, you may wish to mark the client as a Bad Debtor in VisionVPM.

  1. Go to the Settings tab of the Client Details window.
  2. Click the Bad Debtor check box.
  3. Click Save.

See Also

Client Details

Search for Client

Client Details window

Client button descriptions

Clients Details sidebar

Settings tab

Balances tab

Reports tab

Creating a Client record

Working with Syndicates

Dealing with duplicated client records

How to print a statement for the client

How to print an address label for a client

How to record equipment on loan