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Client Activity sidebar

View Items; splits the window so details of the selected invoice are displayed. This is the default display.

View Allocation: splits the window and displays the allocation details for the selected transaction. When this option is selected, View Items is not selected.

View Invoices: gives an option for viewing only invoices.

View Payments: gives an option for viewing only payments.

Having both View Invoices and View Payments selected is the default option.

From and To dates allow a specific date range to be selected.

Rebuild refreshes the Client Activity window after selection has been made.

The View Items check box can be automatically selected each time you open a Client's Activity window by going to Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Financial tab and selecting the View client/supplier activity items automatically check box.

See Also

Sales Process

Client Activity Button Descriptions

Discounts on Invoices

Loyalty Schemes

Invoice a Client

Optional extras on invoices

Raise a Cash Invoice

Delayed Charges

Delayed Charges with split payments

Reprint an existing invoice or payment

Transferring invoices and payments