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Optional extras on invoices

There are various options which can be utilised when invoicing in VisionVPM. These include:

Vet Code Prompt

We would advise that entering a Vet code be made compulsory for all invoices and clinical records, except for the following circumstances:

In the above circumstances, you should enter a User code in the Vet Code field.

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Client tab.

When these options are selected, and you do not have a default vet selected, VisionVPM will display the following window when you create an invoice:

Stock Item Prompt

To stop staff selling incorrect stock items on invoices, we would advise to check the Automatically display the stock list when an exact product is not found check box in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Stock tab.

When this option is selected, VisionVPM will display the stock list when an exact match is not found.

If the option is not selected, VisionVPM will assign the closest match. In the example above, CONAH would have been selected.

Invoice Prompt

You can enter a message on stock items which will be displayed when you invoice stock items. These can be reminders for staff, for example, to invoice additional stock items or provide additional information, handouts etc.

Following is an example of an Invoice Prompt which will be displayed when you enter the stock item on the invoice.

Stock Fee Prompt

If you wish to view and edit the stock fee charges on stock items select the Prompt when adding products with a stock fee check box in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Financial tab.

When this option is selected, VisionVPM will display a window similar to the one below:

RVM Prompts

If you are invoicing a stock item that has been marked as an RVM and the client does not have a current RVM allocation for the selected stock item, VisionVPM will display the following prompt:

Click Yes to continue only if you have confirmed the sale with the prescribing vet.

If you are invoicing a stock item that has been marked as an RVM and the client has an expired RVM allocation for the selected stock item, VisionVPM will display the following message:

You should click OK and then edit the RVM allocation to allow for the correct date range.

Loyalty Scheme

When you invoice a stock item that attracts a Loyalty Scheme of which the threshold has been reached, VisionVPM will display the following prompt:

Click Yes and if the stock item belongs to an analysis group, you can select which stock item you wish to give the client as the free stock item. Otherwise the selected stock item will be given as the free stock item.

Payment Prompt

To remind staff to enter a payment on an invoice, we would advise that you select the Prompt if a payment is not added to an invoice check box in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Financial tab.

When you save an invoice which does not contain a payment, VisionVPM will display the following message:

Stock Letters

Stock Letters are a great way of supplying additional information to your customers on products supplied or the condition it treats.

Creating stock letters is covered in detail in the Stock User Guide. Once you have created a stock letter, click the Letters button on the Stock Details window and Insert the stock letter.

When you save an invoice containing a stock item which has a stock letter attached, VisionVPM will display the following prompt:


To enable editing of reminder information when invoicing, you should select the Display the reminder window when new reminders created check box in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Financial tab.

When you save an invoice containing stock items with reminders attached, VisionVPM will display the following window:

If you have selected the Reminder Prompt check box on the Stock Details window, VisionVPM will display the reminders and you will have to select the reminders to apply to the animal.

Surveillance Options

This option currently only applies to clinics in Tasmania. Select the Show Surveillance Options on the Invoice check box in order to correctly code farms visits to display on the Surveillance Report. You can also filter this option by client marker.

When you save the invoice, the following window will be displayed from where you can code the visits.

See Also

Sales Process

Client Activity Button Descriptions

Client Activity sidebar

Discounts on Invoices

Loyalty Schemes

Invoice a Client

Raise a Cash Invoice

Delayed Charges

Delayed Charges with split payments

Reprint an existing invoice or payment

Transferring invoices and payments