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Delayed Charges

These processes enable you to charge a client for the full product price at a future date. The payment dates can be tracked via the Aged Debtors report and also individual clients.

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Financial tab.

Select the Client Invoices option in the Delayed Charges Usage area.

Entering a delayed charge invoice

Go to: Clients menu > Client Details > select client > Invoice.

When you have selected to use the Delayed Charges system VisionVPM will display a Charge Date field on the Client Invoice window.

Enter the invoice as per normal, but in the Charge Date field, type the 1st of the month that the invoice falls due.

For example, in the screenshot below a Charge Date of 1 October 2011 has been entered, therefore, for clinics sending out accounts monthly, this invoice falls due in October, to be paid in November 2011.

Printing a delayed charge invoice

The Delayed Charge information will be printed on the Client Invoice report when you have raised a client invoice with a delayed charge. Please refer to the following screenshot:

Aged Debtors report

Go to: Clients module > Reports menu > Aged Debtors.

The following columns will be displayed when you have selected to use the delayed charges system for clients:

For example, the two invoices above total $1352.30, have a delayed charge of 1 June 10 and shows up in the Delayed Three Mth column when printing the Aged Debtor report to the 31st March 10.

All delayed charge fields are also available when sending the Aged Debtors report to Excel.

Client Details window

Go to: Clients menu > Client Details > select client.

The total delayed charge will be displayed alongside the balance due.

A Delayed Charge field will be displayed on the Settings tab which displays a total of all delayed charges for this client.

The Client Activity window

Go to: Clients menu > Client Details > select client > Activity.

When you are using the Delayed Charges system for clients, the following details will be displayed on the Client Activity window, as highlighted in the screenshot below.

  1. An asterisk at the end of the Date field to denote an invoice with a delayed charge date.
  2. A Charge Date column can be viewed by scrolling to the right of the list.
  3. When you select to View Items, the charge date will be displayed.

The Invoice/Statement or Statement Run (when the invoice was entered)

Go to:

When the Invoice/Statement or Statement Run is performed for the date when the invoices were entered into the system, the delayed invoices will be shown with a zero dollar amount. The description on the invoice item line will show the amount of the delayed charge and also the date that the charge is due.

See screenshot below.

The Invoice/Statement Run (when the delayed charge is due)

When you print the same Invoice/Statement for the date that the delayed charge is due, the statement will include the delayed charge and inform the client that it is in fact a delayed charge from April. See screenshot below:

See Also

Sales Process

Client Activity Button Descriptions

Client Activity sidebar

Discounts on Invoices

Loyalty Schemes

Invoice a Client

Optional extras on invoices

Raise a Cash Invoice

Delayed Charges with split payments

Reprint an existing invoice or payment

Transferring invoices and payments