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Discounts on Invoices

There are many options for stock discounting in VisionVPM and these are fully discussed in the Stock User Guide.

You can select to display discounts on client invoices in the following two ways:

Store the discount against each stock item

When you are entering a client invoice, for each stock item which attracts a discount, an Item Pricing window will be displayed.

Press ENTER to accept the discount, or change the discount as required.

VisionVPM will display the discount amount on each invoice line, as shown below:

Add a single discount line item per invoice

VisionVPM will display a single discount line on the invoice

When invoicing, a Discount button on the Client Invoice and Batch Invoice window will be displayed in blue if stock items have been added that qualify for a discount.

When you click the Discount button, VisionVPM will display the amount of discount calculated for the client, based on the stock items sold, as shown below:

Click the Apply Discount button.

VisionVPM will display the discount line separately to the products.

See Also

Sales Process

Client Activity Button Descriptions

Client Activity sidebar

Loyalty Schemes

Invoice a Client

Optional extras on invoices

Raise a Cash Invoice

Delayed Charges

Delayed Charges with split payments

Reprint an existing invoice or payment

Transferring invoices and payments