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Performing a Supplier Payment Run

Use the Supplier Payment Run to produce a list of suppliers who are due to be paid. The Supplier Payment List displays the total amount owing to each supplier, and this is separated into the current, one month, two month, and three month periods. It also displays the date the supplier was last paid.

You can view the method that will be used to pay each supplier, or edit the amount that you will pay a specific supplier. When the Supplier Payment Run is updated, you can display all direct credit payments as one amount on the bank reconciliation.

Before you can pay any Suppliers by the Credit Card payment type, you must first ensure you have a General Ledger account code that is appropriate to use. For example:

Credit Card Holding – Suppliers

Enter this code in the Credit Card Holding Account field in Main menu > Maintenance Module > Maintenance menu > Account Defaults.

To Perform a Supplier Payment Run

  1. Go to Main menu > Suppliers module > Suppliers menu > Supplier Payment Run.

  2. From the Set Current Report Date window, type the closing date for the month you are paying suppliers into Enter closing date for Supplier Payment Run, for example, 31 December 07
  3. Type the next available cheque number from your cheque book into Next Cheque No.
  4. In Payment Date, type the date you are making the payments, for example, 20 January 08.
  5. Click OK.
  6. The Bank Account field displays the default bank account code; however, this can be overtyped.
  7. Type your user code In the User Code field.
  8. The Payment Dept field displays the default department code; however, this can be overtyped.

  9. From the Supplier Payment List window, select the suppliers you do not wish to pay, and click Clear Lines.
  10. To Print Chqs, a DC List, Chq List, or CC List (credit card), click the corresponding button, and then ensure that the printed reports are correct.
  11. Click Save, and then click Yes to the prompt, If you want cheques printed make sure you print them before running this procedure. Continue?

  12. From the Supplier Payments window, select from the following options:

  13. Click OK.

    Optional: To display the direct credit payments on the autobanking list, click Yes to the following prompt:

See Also

Suppliers Module

Supplier Details

Stock ordering

Inserting a Goods Receipt

Inserting a Supplier Invoice

Inserting a one-off Supplier Payment

Autobanking for Suppliers

Performing a Supplier Mail Merge