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Inserting a Supplier Invoice

Use the Supplier Invoice window to insert the stock or expenses and services that you purchase from suppliers.

To insert each stock item on the supplier invoice, use the corresponding Stock Code in VisionVPM.

To maintain accurate stock levels, you must pay attention to the Pack Size when inserting supplier invoices. For example, if you purchase fields of syringes where the pack size is 100, the quantity on the invoice must be the number of fields, not the number of syringes.

To insert an expense or service item onto a supplier invoice, use the corresponding GL A/c in VisionVPM. For example, to enter your monthly telephone bill, find the general ledger account for Telephone Expenses, and then in the Total field, type the GST exclusive amount from the supplier invoice.

In This Section

To create a Supplier Invoice for stock

To create a Supplier Invoice for services

To create a Supplier Invoice from Goods on Order

To create a Supplier Invoice from a Goods Receipt

Delayed Charging

To download an Invoice from e-Order

To insert a Credit Note for stock

To insert a Credit Note for expenses or services

To insert a Prompt Payment Discount

To print Barcode Labels

To view Supplier Activity from an Invoice

To place Stock on Backorder

To print a Supplier Invoice

See Also

Suppliers Module

Supplier Details

Stock ordering

Inserting a Goods Receipt

Inserting a one-off Supplier Payment

Performing a Supplier Payment Run

Autobanking for Suppliers

Performing a Supplier Mail Merge