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Supplier Details

As with Clients, all Suppliers must first be entered into VisionVPM before they can be used.

  1. Go to: Main menu > Suppliers module > Suppliers menu > Supplier Details.
  2. From the Supplier List window, click Insert.

  3. In the Code field, type a code for the supplier, then in the Name and Address fields, type the supplier's name and address.
  4. For NZ clients to select the supplier's payment method, select Cheque, Direct Credit, or Credit Card.
  5. For Australian clients, to select the supplier's payment type, select Cheque, Direct Credit, or Credit Card.

  6. In the Notes field, type any notes about the supplier.
  7. Click Save.

The supplier will now appear in the selection list for Suppliers throughout VisionVPM.

You can now enter invoices and payments relating to this supplier.

In This Section

To insert notes about a Supplier

To make a Supplier zero-rated for GST

To insert the Payment Type for a Supplier

To send an email to a Supplier

To view a Supplier's website

To view a Supplier's Aged Analysis

To print a Supplier Label

To print a Supplier Statement

To view a Supplier's Balances

To transfer a Supplier Invoice

To view the tax apportioned to each invoice

See Also

Suppliers Module

Stock ordering

Inserting a Goods Receipt

Inserting a Supplier Invoice

Inserting a one-off Supplier Payment

Performing a Supplier Payment Run

Autobanking for Suppliers

Performing a Supplier Mail Merge