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Formulation Definitions

Formulation – a grouping of stock items that can be loaded on an invoice as a single line item.

Formulation Component – any line item within a formulation. These must all be valid stock items.

Hidden Formulation – a single line item is displayed on the invoice.

Displayed Formulation – all components of the formulation are displayed on the invoice as separate line items:

Formulation Header – formulated stock item within the formulation and the stock item which contains the formulation.

In the example below, the stock item that contains the formulation is called EUTHCAT and a EUTHCAT line item (Formulation Header) has been added inside the formulation. This formulation header line item is often used for the professional fee component of the procedure and facilitates a count of the number of these procedures sold per period. If it is only required for the count then it can have a zero value for the price.

We strongly recommend that a Formulation Header is included in every formulation, to enable you to analyse your sales of formulations. If the Formulation Header is not included in a formulation, you will not be able to report on the sale of this formulation.

Bundled formulations – when formulations are inserted as components in other formulations.

Formulation Routines – Routines in the Maintenance module which are available to identify and address problems with formulations.

See Also

Formulated Procedures

Working with Formulations

Setting up a Formulation

Maintaining Formulations

Price Increases and Formulations

Advanced Formulations

Reporting Sales of Formulations

Formulation Tips