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Automatic Reminders

Automatic reminders are linked to the animal's record automatically when a stock item with an attached reminder is sold, for example a vaccination.

How to Create Automatic reminders

  1. Setup reminder message
    1. Go to Main > Stock > Stock > Reminder Details.
    2. From the Reminder Detail List window, click Insert.
    3. In the Code box, type the reminder code.
    4. Select either Monthly or Daily.
    5. In the Desc field, type the reminder description

      A reminder letter can be typed in the Text box, selecting merge fields from the Field List button or a letter can be created through the Reminder Schedule using either Word or Wordpad.

    6. Click Save.

  2. Attaching reminders to stock items
    1. Go to Stock > Stock Details
    2. Find the required stock item
    3. From the Stock Details window, click the Reminder button and then click Insert.
    4. From the Stock Reminder window, click the Code arrow to display the list of all available reminders and then double-click to select the required reminder.
    5. Select whether sale of this stock item will cause the reminder to be added or removed.

  3. Automatic reminder generation through invoicing

When you are processing invoices check that the correct Animal Name is selected.

A reminder will be generated for that animal for any stock code invoiced which has a reminder attached to it.

Any stock code which has been marked to remove reminders will only remove the stipulated reminder type and only if present.

How to check for reminders

Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Reminder Schedule.

  1. From the Reminder Schedule window, in the From and To boxes, type the date range.

    The date range would normally be the following month.

  2. Select the required reminder, and then click Run.

The Reminder List will be displayed.

Adding Notification Date to Bulk reminders

This allows you to mark reminders with the date you phoned/emailed/sent reminder information to the client.

  1. Go to Clients > Reminder Schedule > select criteria > Run > Merge.
  2. The option to Set the notified date as [today's date] is available from the Merge Options window.

    When this is selected, VisionVPM will add today's date to the Notified column for each reminder in the Reminder List window.

    The Notified field is also displayed on the Reminders tab of the Animal Details window.

Using Notified button on the Reminder List window

This allows you to select reminders and add a date that the selected clients were notified of this reminder. Today's date is the default.

  1. Go to Clients > Reminder Schedule > select criteria > Run
  2. Click Notified from the Reminder List window.

See Also


The Reminder Process

Manual Reminders

Daily Reminders

Automation of Reminders

Merging Reminders & Marketing Lists