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The Reminder Process

To ensure reminders are sent out regularly, a staff member should ideally be given the responsibility of regularly going through the reminder process. This could be on a weekly or a monthly basis, depending on the number of reminders and the clinic workload.

This procedure should be done on a regular basis so that reminders are sent in a timely fashion and no reminders are missed because a date interval was omitted.

You can see at a glance on your Navigator pane how many reminders are due:

If for some reason it is not known when the last reminders were sent, clicking Open List on the Reminder Schedule window will display the previous list. The dates on this list should provide the required information.

Regular Reminder Process

Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Reminder Schedule

  1. Select the required reminder types for the letter to be sent. For example, you may wish to run dog and cat vaccination reminders separately or together.
  2. Enter the date range. These are the dates between which the reminders will fall due. If the first field is left empty and a current date is entered into the second field, all overdue reminders of that type will be listed.
  3. Click Run to display the list of clients with reminders due.
  4. Click Merge and proceed to merge the reminder list to the appropriate letter or email as described in the Merge section.

Repeat steps 1 – 4 for each sort of reminder that is sent.

Using the Reminder list:

If you usually use postcard reminders, click Labels to generate address labels to stick on the postcards.

If you usually phone your clients regarding reminders, click Print to print the list of clients with phone numbers.

If you wish to send personalised reminder letters then click Merge to access the merge letter options.

Vaccination/Reminder Adhoc reports

Vaccination Certificate and Vacc & Reminder List adhoc reports are available in VisionVPM. These reports can replace the Microsoft word documents as reminder letters. The content of these documents can be edited. Refer to the adhoc section for information on editing these documents.


Clients > Reminder Schedule > enter search criteria > Run > Adhoc.

Clients > Client Details > select client > Reminder > Adhoc.

Clients > Animal Details > select animal > Reports tab.

To print an adhoc reminder letter

  1. From the Reminder List window, click Adhoc.
  2. From the External Adhocs Report window, select Vacc & Reminder List.ahr and click Print.
  3. Select your report destination and click OK.

How to produce a list of animals without reminders:

This helps you identify animals which may benefit from vaccination and be targeted by a vaccination campaign.

  1. Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Reminder Schedule
  2. Enter a species (eg Canine) if required or leave blank for all animals
  3. Click Animals without reminders.

  4. Enter a date range or leave blank to display all animals without reminders.
  5. Click OK.

A list of animals without reminders will be displayed.

How to print next month's reminders

  1. Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Reminder Schedule.
  2. Select the appropriate reminders.
  3. Enter the dates for the next month.
  4. Proceed as for regular reminders.

How to exclude clients with a certain marker from a reminder list

  1. Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Reminder Schedule
  2. Enter a date range and then select a reminder code.
  3. Select the marker you wish to exclude from the list and check the Exclude marker tick box

  4. Click Run.

Adding/Editing/Deleting Reminders

Go To: Clients > Animal Details > select animal > Reminders tab.

Reminders can be added, edited or deleted from the Reminders tab on the Animal Details window.

To edit a reminder double-click the reminder, make the necessary changes and click Save.

To add a reminder, click the pencil, add the details and click Save.

To delete a reminder, double-click the reminder and then click the Delete button.

Removing reminders from deleted invoices

Go To: Clients > Client Details > Select client > Activity > Select invoice > Edit > Commands > Delete.

When you delete an invoice which had reminders attached, VisionVPM will provide a prompt with associated reminders from which they can be deleted.

Select the reminders you wish to remove and click Delete.

See Also


Manual Reminders

Automatic Reminders

Daily Reminders

Automation of Reminders

Merging Reminders & Marketing Lists