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Manual Reminders

Reminders can be inserted automatically through the clinical records and use of stock items. Reminders can also be inserted manually for example, for patients new to the clinic with an existing vaccination history.

Inserting Manual Reminders

  1. Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Client Details > Select Client
  2. From the Client Details window, right-click the animal's name, and select New Reminder.
  3. From the Client Reminder window, click the Reminder Code arrow, and select the type of reminder you wish to insert.

    Note: The reminder code must have been already created by going to the Stock module and selecting Reminder Details.

  4. In the Date Due field, type the date that the reminder is due.
  5. In the Qty boxes, type the quantity of the selected reminder for which the animal is due.
  6. Note: The Reference, Status and User Code fields can be left empty.
  7. Click Save.

Outcome: The reminder for the selected animal will be displayed in the Client Reminders window with the specified due date.

See Also


The Reminder Process

Automatic Reminders

Daily Reminders

Automation of Reminders

Merging Reminders & Marketing Lists