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Daily Reminders

Reminders which are marked as "Daily" can be used for post-operative surgery checks, bandage checks, sympathy cards, or any post treatment follow up.

They are a powerful way of staying in touch with your customers and building compliance with your instructions.

Go to: Stock Module > Stock Menu > Reminder Details > Insert

  1. Give the Reminder a suitable name and check the option for Daily.
  2. For this reminder, you would not want to display this reminder on the Client Details window, therefore, you would select Don't display these reminders on the client details screen.
  3. Attach the Daily reminder to any stock items so it will automatically apply to the patient - surgery, euthanasia, etc.

  4. To make sure Daily Reminders are effective in your practice, assign responsibility to a staff member to check them each morning. Daily Reminders can be viewed from the Appointment List window.

  5. Click the button and then select Daily Reminders.

  6. Enter the date range , and click OK.
  7. The Reminder List window will be displayed, from where you can phone clients, print or merge the list to MS Word.
  8. Once you have made contact with the client, you mark the reminder as Notified, update Status, or delete it.

See Also


The Reminder Process

Manual Reminders

Automatic Reminders

Automation of Reminders

Merging Reminders & Marketing Lists