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Rolling stock takes

Rolling stock takes are normally processed for a group of products, for example, drenches. If these are done on a regular basis, they assist with stock management and the end of year stock take will not be such an onerous task. Rolling stock takes can be done on any day of the month. This will be the date that is used, when entering your stock on hand figures.

Rolling stock takes are normally processed for either high $value items, and/or fast moving items which are hard to keep track of, for example, mastitis treatments, dry cow treatments, drenches, pet foods, flea treatments etc.

To process a rolling stock take

There are three steps to processing a rolling stock take, as follows:

  1. Print the stock take list.
  2. Count your stock.
  3. Enter the stock on hand quantities.

In This Section

Print a stock take List

Count the stock

Data Transfer clinics

Enter the stock take

Print a Stock Variance report

See Also

Stock Taking

Full stock take using existing stock levels

Stock Adjustment account information

Zero stock take

Zeroing Stock display