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Clinic Workflow - Step by Step

Client calls and appointment made by receptionist.

Step 1. Find or Insert the client.

Step 2. Find or Insert the animal.

Step 3. Make an appointment.

Client arrives

Step 1. Mark the client as arrived.

Nurse Checks

Step 1. Enter the animal's weight and / or other relevant details.

Vet Reviews Previous Clinical History

Step 1. Access the clinical record of the animal.

Step 2. Click Record.

Vet Consultation

Step 1. Clinical notes entered.

Step 2. Complete clinical templates if required.

Vet Prints Drug Labels

Step 1. Go to drug tab on the clinical record.

Step 2. Record drug details, information and instructions.

Step 3. Print from the Drug tab.

Note: the drug tab is optional. Drug labels can be printed from the invoice.

Vet Initiates Invoice

Step 1. Click Invoice.

Step 2. If the drug tab has been used, drug information will populate.

Step 3. Add additional items to invoice.


Client returns to receptionist

Step 1. Retrieve invoice that veterinarian has prepared.

Step 2. Add additional items.

Nurse dispenses prescribed medications

Step 1. Collect labels from printer.

Receptionist Receives Payment

Step 1. Click Payment (from invoice).

Step 2. Select method and amount of payment.

Step 3. Print invoice (incl receipt) and any associated handouts.

Nurse Provides Post Consult Information

Step 1. Collect information from printer.

Client leaves with knowledge and purchases

See Also

Clinic Workflow




Clinical Records

