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Company Information

This window is where clinic and GST details are entered so they can be utilised in other areas of VisionVPM.

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Company Information.


The following details will appear on invoices and invoice/statements when the appropriate type of invoice or invoice/statement is selected.

Year Begins is the first day of your financial year. For example, 1 April 2007. It is reset when an End of Year Rollover is performed. This date should not be changed without consultation with Provet IT Support. A password is required to change the Year Begins date.

GST Number is required for NZ clinics.

GST Basis: select the method by which you pay GST:

GST Rate: Enter the current GST Rate. At time of writing this is 12.5% for New Zealand and 10% for Australia.

Version: This field is automatically populated when installing VisionVPM and it is the version number of the program. When you update with a new release, this field is updated automatically. This entry should not be changed unless advised by Provet IT.

Header Info: An area where you can enter your company's motto or slogan. If you do not use letterhead, the Header Info will print between the Company Name and Phone Number on invoices.

ABN Number: Australian Business Number.

ACN Number: Australian Company Number.

Type: The type of installation - for New Zealand or Australia. This gives access to appropriate modules and invoice or invoice/statement formats for that country.

Click Save to save the settings and close the window.

See Also


Account Defaults

System Defaults

Computer Defaults

Report Formats

Lookup Lists

Quick Access Menu Setup

Users Access