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Users Access

The Password System in VisionVPM allows different users to have access to specified parts of the program, for example, Clients, Suppliers, Stock etc. When the password system is enabled, each time a user logs into VisionVPM they will be asked to enter their user code and password. They will then be allowed access to the parts of the program allocated to that User.

The password system does not track activity. This means that you can't say if a particular user was in the program at a particular time.

It is common practise for access to the Maintenance and General Ledger modules to be restricted to a small number of users.

It is important that there is someone at the clinic who has access to the administrator code so Provet IT can give support in all areas of VisonVPM. For example, Maintenance and General Ledger module access is often required when there are banking issues.

To Insert a New User or to Change User Access

  1. Log on to VisionVPM with a user name that has administrator access.

    If the user name and/or password cannot be recalled, please contact Provet IT for assistance.

  2. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Users Access.

To Set up Administrator

This sets up a code for someone that has full access rights to the entire program.

  1. Highlight the ADMIN line in the Users List window and click Edit.

    A User Setup window will be displayed.

  2. Leave the User as Admin and change the Password to one of your choice. 
  3. Click OK.
To create Users

You can choose to set up a user for each staff member or you can set up access for groups of users who require a certain level of access.

  1. From the Users window click Insert.
  2. In the User and Password fields, type a user or group name, for example, Nurse and a password.
  3. Click Set Access.

  4. Select the items that you wish the user to have access to.

    'On the fly' refers to changes made to lists while entering data, rather than having to go through the Maintenance module to make changes. While this speeds up data entry, the potential for multiple entries where there should be a single one, for example, due to misspelling or abbreviations, is increased.

  5. Click Close, then Click OK on the User Setup window.
  6. Once all users have been set up, select Turn the Password System on.
  7. The following warning will be displayed:

  8. Click Yes to continue and then click Close.

VisionVPM is now password protected and a username and password will be required for access. Users will not have access to any locations or actions that have not been selected for their username.

See Also


Company Information

Account Defaults

System Defaults

Computer Defaults

Report Formats

Lookup Lists

Quick Access Menu Setup