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Appointment Book Setup and Configuration

Setting up the Appointment Book can be done in either the Clients module or the Maintenance module.

This section describes the appointment book setup from the Clients module. Please refer to the Maintenance User Guide for further information.

Please note: If you are using usernames and passwords you will only be able to change the appointment setup if your username has been given access to this area.

Go to: Main menu > Appointment Book > Setup.

In This Section

Appointment Book Settings

Default Books

Appointment Books

Appointment Sets

See Also


The Multi Appointment Book

Tab Appointment Book

Appointment Button Descriptions

Appointment Book Navigation

Making Appointments

Editing and Moving Appointments

Adding or changing a note on an appointment

Entering vet code on appointment

To view client's appointment information

Finishing a large animal appointment

Rescheduling an appointment

Lost and Found Register

Daily Reminders from the Appointment List

SMS Texting from the Appointment List

Appointment Searches

Appointment Reports