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Client Information

Of utmost importance when considering embarking on a marketing plan is ensuring you have correct, up-to-date and relevant client contact information. It is a complete waste of resources attempting to mail or email information to incorrect addresses.

You may like to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What will be the best media to target my clients?
  2. Do I check the client's name, postal address, phone numbers, email address EVERY time the client presents?
  3. Do I check the client's animal list EVERY time the client presents, so I know if the status has changed for any animal?
  4. Are the client's markers correct for their situation?
  5. Do all my staff have access to entering new animal breeds?
  6. Am I aware that we cannot market to the 'Cash Sales' client?

Let's have a look at each of the questions in more detail.

  1. What will be the best media to target my clients?

    Examples are phone, email, mail.

    You may target groups of clients differently for different reasons. For example, phoning clients the day before their appointment, would be more effective than posting a letter.

    You may have some clients who use email, so you could email them their monthly reminders and post the remainder.

    VisionVPM will incorporate txt messaging functionality in a future update, therefore, ensure you capture clients' mobile phone numbers now.

  2. Do I check the client's name, postal address, phone numbers, email address EVERY time the client presents?

    For every booked appointment, you can print a client information sheet and have it ready to be checked by the client when they arrive.

    To print a client information report:

    You will need to ensure that all changes are entered into VisionVPM.

  3. Do I check the client's animal list EVERY time the client presents, so I know if the status has changed for any animal?

    The list of client's animals in included on the client information sheet (see above). Check the list of the client's animals and make changes if required.

    For example, if an animal has been rehomed, ensure you mark the animal as Inactive and remove all related reminders. Alternatively, if the animal's new owner is a client, you can transfer the animal to the new owner by using the Transfer button on the Animal Details window for that animal.

    Does the client have additional animals? Do you have an information sheet that can be given to clients with new animals to capture the animal's details?

  4. Are the client's markers correct for their situation?

    Ensure all staff members are aware of your client markers and what they are used for.

    For example, if a client no longer has any dogs or cats, ensure the appropriate marker is removed from their Marker field on the Client Details window.

  5. Do all my staff have access to inserting new animal breeds?

    If so, you're allowing everyone the opportunity to create multiple names for the same breed. This does not facilitate effective marketing, for example, sending information regarding specific breed conditions to owners of those breeds.

    You may want to look at your breed list in Maintenance > Codes and Descriptions > Animal Breeds and check out how many different versions of German Shepherd or Rottweiler you have.

  6. Am I aware that we cannot market to the 'Cash Sales' client?

    The most frequent client you may have is the person who comes in once a week to buy food for their animals on the way home from work. If you were to enter these transactions under Cash Sales you have lost the opportunity to capture their contact details and the ability to market to that person in the future.

    Wherever possible, ensure you obtain the client's contact details. On the front desk, place a clipboard with a New Client Information sheet that you can give to your new clients to fill in. If the client is hesitant, you may want to offer them an incentive, for example, 20% discount off next visit/purchase. Set up a Discount Group and a client marker for a New Client. After the 20% discount has been applied, remove the client marker.

See Also

Marketing and Promotion



To Create a New Word Document

VPMail Setup

Using SMS Text for Reminders

The Marketing Schedule

Setting up Documents

Loyalty Programmes