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To list all patients seen by a certain vet in a specific month

You may want to find out all the patients seen by a certain vet over a certain period at a certain branch.

Example: All patients seen by Vet Jenny Jones at Mt Maunganui during October.

  1. Go to: Clients > Marketing > Marketing Schedule > Insert > Clinical
  2. Enter dates in Records from date and to.
  3. Use the drop down list to select the Vet Code.
  4. Select the required Analysis Group.

Click Run.


The results list contains all the animals seen by vet Jenny Jones in October at Mount Maunganui.

See Also

Search Examples

To create a template for A4 sheets of address labels

To Find a List of all clients with an email address + preferred contact method

Top Clients by Amount Spent

To find out how many clients are in your database

To list all clients with senior cats

To display a list of dogs under 10 kg, over 5 years old that have not had a dental procedure in 2 years

To display a list of herd sizes

To find dog-owning clients who don't buy dog food

Farm worming programme

To find out how many live animals are in the database

To track out of town work

To record details on how new client found the clinic

To find out how many Bovine PDs were done last year

Animal Analysis Groups