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To find out how many Bovine PDs were done last year

This can be done by creating a Stock Analysis group for Cow Pregnancy Diagnosis, then running a marketing search by analysis group for a specified date range.

Within this analysis group you would include all your Professional Fees associated with Cow Pregnancy Diagnosis.

To Set Up a Stock Analysis group

  1. Go to Stock > Analysis Group > Insert.
  2. Insert the name of this group.
  3. Click Save.

To add the stock items to the Analysis Group

  1. Go to Stock > Reports > Stock List > All
  2. Hold down the CTRL key and click on each stock item. All selected stock items should be highlighted.

  3. Click Add Analysis Group.
  4. Select Analysis group by double-clicking.
  5. Close.

To Run the Marketing Report

  1. Go to Clients > Marketing Schedule > Insert > Client
  2. Select Search Invoice details > Invoice
  3. Select Analysis Group and enter a Date Range.


To find the number of cow PDs, click on Custom report and add an extra field, Item Qty to this search.

Remember that this will only carry through the quantity if the number of PDs per visit has been included in the Qty on the invoices.


This report can also be sent to Excel by selecting Send to Excel. If sent to Excel, the Sum function in Excel can be used to calculate the total number of PDs.

See Also

Search Examples

To create a template for A4 sheets of address labels

To Find a List of all clients with an email address + preferred contact method

Top Clients by Amount Spent

To find out how many clients are in your database

To list all clients with senior cats

To display a list of dogs under 10 kg, over 5 years old that have not had a dental procedure in 2 years

To display a list of herd sizes

To find dog-owning clients who don't buy dog food

Farm worming programme

To find out how many live animals are in the database

To track out of town work

To list all patients seen by a certain vet in a specific month

To record details on how new client found the clinic

Animal Analysis Groups

Animal Analysis Groups

Animals can be grouped using animal analysis groups. This allows you to identify groups of animals, for example, for marketing purposes, discounts or to identify animals with current pet insurance. Limited date ranges can be applied for each animal for the analysis group if required. This is particularly useful when a client has a number of animals and only one is eligible for a range of discounts or a scheme, for example, a Puppy package.

Setting up Animal Analysis Groups

In order to use Animal Analysis Groups that may firstly be created in the Maintenance module.

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Lookup Lists > Animal Related > Animal Analysis Groups.
  2. Click Insert.

    Enter the description of the analysis group in the Group Description field.

  3. Click Save.

    You will now be able to attach the analysis group to selected animals.

To attach analysis groups to animals

Animal analysis groups can be applied to individual animals from the Animal Details window.

  1. Go to: Clients menu > Animal Details > select animal.
  2. Click Analysis Groups.


  3. From the Analysis Group List window, click Insert.
  4. From the Analysis Group window, click the Analysis Group arrow and then select the required analysis group.

  5. You can also set up a date range - this could be used to warn the clinic of the expiry date of Pet Insurance.

    If this analysis group already exists for this animal, a warning message will be displayed.

  6. Click Save.

Identify which animals are in an Animal Analysis Group

Go to: Clients module > More Reports > Animal Analysis Groups.

  1. Select one or more analysis groups from the list displayed when Selected Analysis Groups is clicked.
  2. A report of the animals belonging to those analysis groups will be generated. This can be printed or viewed on screen.

For further information regarding using animal analysis groups with stock discounts, please refer to the Stock User Guide.