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The Basics

Stock Code

In the Code field, type a code and then a description for the stock item.

Try to have in place a system for your codes that all clinic staff understand and use. This will minimise duplication and speed up product location in VisionVPM. For example, all vaccine codes start with VAX.


In the description for medications you should use the following naming convention:

Sales Group

To select the general ledger code to which revenue from this stock item will be attributed, click the Sales Group arrow, and then select the code for the general ledger account. This report group can be used for sales analysis and posting to the general ledger.

Sales groups are also useful for:

Your Sales Groups should generally be kept fairly simple, so there is no ambiguity as to how each stock item is categorised. Analysis Groups are best used for fine detail reporting, as you will see further into this User Guide.

Sales Groups are NOT retrospective once applied

You may decide to create new Sales Groups and reorganise some of your stock items for an improved breakdown on your profit and loss statement. Be warned that any changes in your reports will only take place from the day you reallocate the stock item to the new group.

Purchase Group

Optional: To select a cost of sales account, click the Purchase Group arrow, and then select the code for the general ledger account. If no purchase group is selected, the default Cost of Sales general ledger account will be allocated. The default Cost of Sales general ledger code can be displayed by going to Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Account Defaults.
This report group will be used to calculate the difference between revenue and cost of sales.

Pref Supplier

Optional: To specify the supplier from whom the stock item is purchased, click the Pref Supplier arrow, and then select the supplier code. This will make it easy when generating an automatic stock order later on. For example, you could generate an order for all stock items with Pref Supplier equal to Century Wholesalers.

VisionVPM will populate the Last Supplier field with the code of the supplier from whom you last purchased this item.

Suppliers Product Code

The Stock Order Code for each product may vary, depending on which supplier you order this product from. You will need to add these details to this product by clicking the Supplier Button.

This will display the Stock Supplier window, from where you can enter the unique stock order code for your wholesaler. The other fields in this screen are used for information only, to help you work with pricing and last purchase information.

Pack Size

The Pack Size field on the stock item allows you to type the quantity of units in the pack. This should indicate the minimum unit of sale.

If 90 percent of the time you buy the stock item by the bottle and sell it by the bottle, the pack size is 1.
If 90% of the time you buy the stock item by the bottle and sell it by the millilitres or pills in the bottle, then the pack size is the quantity of millilitres or pills in the bottle.

tipIf you sell an item of stock by the bottle AND by the unit, then set your pack size for the unit. Then create a formulation that allows staff to sell the entire bottle without having to think "I should sell 100 units". Formulations are explained in more detail later in this User Guide.

Pack Cost

In the Pack Cost field, type the amount that your clinic pays for the stock item. This could also be the "List Price" from your supplier and not necessarily the cost you pay for the item.

tipIf the item is a non-stock item, that is, will not be purchased into stock, for example, a laboratory charge, then mark it as a consumable. This will allow you to maintain details on pack cost without affecting the inventory valuation. If Laboratory Fees are entered with a cost and marked as consumable – this would allow the you to take advantage of the Stock Price Increase feature in database maintenance.


In the Markup field, type the percentage of markup that will be applied to the stock item.

Markups for all of your stock items can be viewed from Stock menu > Stock Details, and then scrolling to the right.

The following is a search for all products starting DE. The list is then scrolled to the right.

Alternatively you can generate a stock list report from Stock module > Reports menu > Stock List > OK > Report button > Cost Report, or exported directly to an Excel spreadsheet.

The Sales Price Exc and the Sales Price Inc fields will be recalculated when a Markup percentage is entered.

Sales Price Exc

Tab through the Sales Price Exc and the Sales Price Inc fields to populate them automatically when a Pack Cost is entered. If you have a set sell price, you can enter it in either of these fields, the others will be repopulated and the markup will be recalculated.

Reorder Level & Quantity

Optional: To reorder a stock item automatically, enter suitable values for Reorder Qty and Reorder Level. These values represent the stock level at which an order will be created and the actual amount to be ordered. Alternatively, multiple reorder levels including seasonal and department levels can be set by clicking the Reorder Levels button.

If you are running Multiple Departments, this area will allow you to see the onhand levels for each department, as well as items on backorder.

You may wish to identify existing sales patterns before setting reorder levels. A monthly sales report is accessed from Stock module > Reports menu > Stock Monthly Sales. This report can be filtered by sales or analysis group. You can also view sales on an individual stock item by clicking the Balances tab.

You can save time by using the Set Reorder Levels tool, in Stock menu > Stock Ordering > Set Reorder Levels. This tool will allow you to quickly set reorder levels on multiple stock items and can be sorted by Stock Description or Sales Group.

Since the release of VisionVPM version 339 you are now able to quickly review your sales history and automatically calculate reorder levels.This is explained in further detail under Stock Ordering - Stock ReOrder Levels

Unit of Sale

In the Unit of Sale field, type the unit in which the stock item is sold. For example, mls or tabs.

At this stage you have done enough to create the basics of a new stock item, however an effective fee structure should automate your business as much as possible. For each stock item you should give strong consideration to the following:

See Also

Insert a new Stock Item

Automation & Value Adding

Word Option for Stock Letters

Sales Groups - Invoice - Order Control

Pack Size Change