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Insert a new Stock Item

This section shows how to insert a new stock record.

  1. Go to: Stock menu > Stock Details.
  2. From the Stock List window, click Insert to display the Stock Details window.

In This Section

The Basics

Automation & Value Adding

Word Option for Stock Letters

Sales Groups - Invoice - Order Control

Pack Size Change

See Also

Stock and Inventory Control

Introduction to Stock Control

Restricting user access

Search for Stock

Stock Details window

Insert a Professional Fee

Duplicate Stock Record

Stock Activity window functionality


Laboratory Fees and Cremation Fees

Working with Reminders

Formulated Procedures

Making Recommendations and Tracking Patient Compliance

Analysis Groups

Stock Locations

Drug Labels

Price Lists

Stock Price Increases

Professional Fee Price Increases

Inactivating stock items

Stock Wastage

Deleting Stock Items

Stock Discounts

Client Loyalty Scheme

Stock Transfers

Stock Taking

Stock ordering

5.7 e-Order Integration with VisionVPM

SVS Integration

Measuring Inventory Productivity – The Ratios

Tips & Tricks