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Secondary Grouping added to Monthly Statistics report

Go to: Clients module > Reports menu > Sales Reports > Monthly Statistics.

A secondary grouping has been added to the Monthly Statistics report enabling you to select additional grouping.

For example, you can now group the report by department and then by vet, as per screenshot below.

VisionVPM will display a total line for each Primary Grouping, in this example, Pet Clinic.

See Also

Changes to the Clients module v345

New banking processes

Coloured fields for data entry on new clients and animals

Last Payment Date added to VisionVPM

Mark client records for TXT communication

Mark appointments to not send SMS txt messages

Extra phone number field increased in size

Warning when product is invoiced at a price below cost + GST

View stock onhand amount when invoicing

List of Stock Letters for printing

Automatic credit card fee - per card type

Exclude inactive animals from Client Information report

Dept and Vet code added to Reversal window

Print list of appointments for a client and animal

Add actual date of syndication change

Loyalty scheme date range

Vet column on Client Invoice List window

Extra invoice search functionality

Today's date added as a merge field

Checking for duplicate microchip numbers

Changes to Hospitalisation process

View the original clinical record for a hospitalised animal

Send an SMS message to anyone

Animal info button on estimates

Discharge date available for merging

Print multiple animal labels

Clinical Record report

Lab results and notes included in Full Clinical report

Exclude an inactive client in the marketing search

Lab results and lab notes included in Import/Export functionality

Incomplete/On hold invoices on EOM procedures

Order changed on Client EOM Procedures menu

Management figures updated