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Setting up Drug Labels

Default drug label settings can be applied in this window. The settings you select will depend on whether you are using pre-printed labels and what information is pre-printed.

To setup or change Drug Label defaults

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance Module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults.
  2. Click Setup Drug Labels.

  3. Select the Warning Message you require by clicking the appropriate button.
  4. You can select to Include Company Name On Label.
  5. The name of the Vet whose code is selected on Drug window of the clinical record will be included on all labels if Include Vet and Emergency Phone No is selected.
  6. Type in the Emergency Ph number if required.
  7. Click Close to close the window and click Save on the System Defaults window to save the options.

See Also

System Defaults

Appointment Options

Invoice/Receipt Options

PACS Setup

VPM Mail Setup

Client and Patient Settings

Financial Settings

Stock Settings