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PACS Setup

PACS are Picture Archiving and Communication Systems and are servers dedicated to the storage, retrieval, distribution and presentation of medical images.

An interface to a PACS system provided by Central Data Networks (CDN) is available through VisionVPM. The PACS interface is available through Provet IT for clinics using the CDN PACS system.

To setup VisionVPM for the PACS interface

Once the interface software has been loaded, VisionVPM must be set up to work with the interface and the PACS system.

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance Module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults.
  2. Click PACS Setup.

  3. Enter the information relevant for your system.
  4. Click Update to close the window and click Save on the System Defaults window to save the options.

See Also

System Defaults

Appointment Options

Invoice/Receipt Options

Setting up Drug Labels

VPM Mail Setup

Client and Patient Settings

Financial Settings

Stock Settings