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Client and Patient Settings

To set up or change Client and Patient Settings

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Client tab.


Client Details



Default search:
On Code
Multi ie: Findl,Jazz

Defaults the client search to the method selected.


Search Method:
First letter of
Begins With

For selection of the type of default search.

Disable the client first name field

This option is for clinics that do not use the client first name field.

Disable the client 2nd street address field


Load the first animal when moving to the animal window

When selected, the first animal in the Animal list will be loaded when you click the animal button on the client window.

If not selected, a window for inserting a new animal will be displayed.

Hide animals:

None: no animals will be hidden

Deceased: Deceased animals will not be displayed

Inactive: Inactive animals will not be displayed

Both: Deceased and Inactive animals will not be displayed

Default RVM Period 6mths or 12mths

When a Registered Veterinary Medicine is entered against a client the default period can be 6mths or 12mths.

Patient Details



Use the patient name/pet name as the default search.
First letter of
Begins with

Defaults the animal search to the method selected.

Disallow multiple animals being listed on the invoice

Selecting this will mean that VisionVPM will not add multiple animals on an invoice when you are moving between different Animal Details windows.

Disable breeds being added from the animal window

Prevents animal breeds being added from the animal details screen as new animals are entered.

Display animal's weight as grams instead of kilograms

Shows animal weight in grams – useful for clinics with many birds or small exotics as patients.

Disable the external photo/file count

Disables the count on external attachments to speed up processing.

Disable the Hospitalised Invoice

The hospitalised invoice option and its associated prompts are not displayed.

Default to the reminder tab on the animal details window

When this is selected the reminder tab on the animal details screen will be the active tab.

Remove deceased patients reminders/appts without prompting

Selecting this will mean that when a patient is deceased any reminders or appointments loaded against the patient will be removed.

Other Settings



Create a diary task of downloaded lab results

When selected,VisionVPM will create a diary task when a lab result is downloaded.

Prompt for the Vet's code on invoices and clinical records.
Vet code not compulsory
Vet code compulsory on invoices
Vet code compulsory on invoices and clinical records

Depending on what is selected if a Vet's code is required, you will be prompted to enter this.

Allow User codes in the Vet code field when invoicing.

If this is selected it will allow Users to enter their code in the vet code field when invoicing.

Use the appointment date / time on the clinical record

If a clinical record is not entered on the day of the consultation, selecting this will enter the original appt date and time on the clinical record.

Hide drug and reminder lists on the clinical record main tab

Selecting this will hide the drug and reminder lists on the clinical record main tab.

Allow Idexx imports into this database

When selected allows Idexx imports

Hide the clinical drugs tab

When selected this will hide the clinical drugs tab on the clinical record allowing the User to enter the drugs directly into the invoice

Default dental scores as -1 ( ie not assessed )

When selected, this will default all patients dental scores to -1.

Client Address Settings



Client Code

Select the type of Client Code generated from the Client Details.

Address Labels

Allows a setup to be chosen for address labels.

Client name display

How VisionVPM will display and print the client's name on labels and correspondence.

Exactly match above

Uses exactly the fields specified.

If this is not selected, VisionVPM may make some smart substitutions when fields are not populated.

Numeric code starting number

Enables selection of a start number for codes, if required.

Star client list number

How many top clients you want identified with stars.

Default Suburb

Optional - The suburb field of all new client records will be populated with a suburb entered here. It can be overtyped in the client records if required.

Default City

Optional - The city field of all new clients will be populated with a city entered here. It can be overtyped in the client records if required.

Default Post Code

Optional – The entry here will populate the post code field of all new client records. It can be overtyped in the client records if required.

To Set up for a page of Labels

Click on the Cut Sheet button to display the label configuration window.

The label height and label width are measured from the start of one label to the start of another, even if the labels have strips between them. Your settings may need adjustment to fit your label page exactly.

Click Close to close the Label Configuration window and click Save on the System Defaults window to save your settings.

See Also

System Defaults

Appointment Options

Invoice/Receipt Options

Setting up Drug Labels

PACS Setup

VPM Mail Setup

Financial Settings

Stock Settings