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VPM Mail Setup

The Email settings window allows you to choose between using Microsoft Outlook or VPMMail when sending individual emails from the Client Details window as well as providing setup options for SMTP Server and reply email addresses.

To setup or change email settings

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults.
  2. Click Email Setup.

  3. The default option for sending individual emails is still Outlook. Select VPMMail if you wish for individual emails to be sent through VPMMail. Merging to email through Marketing or Reminder Schedule will always use VPMMail.
  4. When using VPMMail the following options must be set:
  5. SMTP Serveraddress (name or IP): This is the name of the server through which your emails are sent. If you use a mail server on your network you would enter the name or IP address of that server. Otherwise, if you send emails through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) such as Xtra or Telstra Clear you would use their SMTP details. An example for accounts with Xtra would be
  6. User Name (optional):
  7. Password (optional):
  8. Port (optional):
  9. Blind carbon copy (bcc) address:
  10. Reply email address: This is the main email address for your clinic which will be sent with each email. This address can be changed to one of the 'extra' reply addresses at the time of sending an email.
  11. Extra Reply Addresses: A list of alternative reply addresses can be entered here. The required address can then be selected from a drop down list when sending an email. The addresses should be entered on a separate line with just a carriage return between them.
  12. Click Update to close the window and click Save on the System Defaults window to save the options.

See Also

System Defaults

Appointment Options

Invoice/Receipt Options

Setting up Drug Labels

PACS Setup

Client and Patient Settings

Financial Settings

Stock Settings