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Financial Settings

To set up or change Financial Settings

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Financial tab.


Client Invoicing



Use the generic stock name on client invoices

Where there is a generic stock name listed in the Stock Details window, this will be loaded on the invoice rather than the product name.

Don't add stock messages into the invoice message field

When this option is selected, stock messages will be displayed in the invoice message area at the bottom of the invoice, but not in the body of the invoice. If not selected, the stock messages appear both in the body of the message and at the bottom of the invoice.

Don't write the discount amount into the items description

The discount comment will not be included in the item description.

Display invoice item amounts without GST

Invoice line items will be displayed excluding GST.

Prompt when adding products with a dispense fee

A prompt is displayed when products with an attached dispensing fee are inserted on the invoice. This gives the opportunity to check and change the dispensing fee and view the total price before the price is loaded.

Round stock items to the nearest 10c

Invoice line items will be rounded to the nearest 5 cents.

Prompt if a payment is not added to an invoice

Generates a prompt when the invoice is closed or printed, but no payment has been made.

Display the reminder window when new reminders created

VisionVPM will display the reminder window on saving an invoice which contains stock items with reminders attached.

Prompt for stock letters to be printed

VisionVPM will prompt to print stock letters on saving an invoice which contains stock items with letters attached.

Use clinical record date on the invoice

If this option is selected, the default date for the invoice will be the clinical record date. If this option is not selected the default date is today's date.

Use equine location field on batch invoicing

Displays the equine location field in the Batch Invoicing window. The location field will print on the invoice.

Sort invoice items by sales group and description

When this option is selected, on a clients statement, the invoices will be sorted by sales group and description.

Show Surveillance Options on the invoice

- Show window when saving invoices for Client marker o

When printing -
Lock the invoices
Prompt for locking
Leave Unlocked

Reporting for Tasmanian clients only.

Stop invoices over credit limits until authorised

If a credit limit has been loaded in Client Settings then this will stop invoices which take the client over their limit.

Client Payments



Default the payment amount to equal the total of the invoice

The default payment amount will be equal to the total of the invoice, rather than the total owed.


Disable the eftpos withdrawn field

Cash withdrawals associated with Eftpos transactions will be disabled.

Disable credit card payments

When this is selected Credit Card payments are not an option. All Credit card transactions should go through as Eftpos.

Allow DPS Eftpos Intergration

If Eftpos Intergration is installed at a clinic, the eftpos system is intergrated with VisionVPM

Client Financial



Only view cheques on the bank deposit after saving the till

Cheques do not appear in the bank deposit until the till balance is saved.

Allow mid-month dates for client statements and aged analysis

Allows statements and some financial reports to be run at times other than the end of the month.

Client / Supplier Activity



View client/supplier activity items automatically

Opens the activity windows with View Item selected. (Item field at bottom displayed.)

General Ledger



Use department budgets


Departmental budgets are only available if Analysis by Department is selected.

Check for automatic payments on a Bank reconciliation

On opening the Bank Reconciliation VisionVPM will prompt to check for automatic deposits and payments.

Delayed Charges Usage




Not Used

Client Invoices

Supplier Invoices

Client and Supplier Invoices

Depending on what is selected this will enable the clinic to create Client and Supplier invoices for a date in the future.



Supplier Financial



Edited lines drop to the bottom of the list on these supplier windows.


Goods receipt


GR and Invoice



Depending on what is selected when a Goods receipt or Invoice is edited , the edited line will drop to the bottom of the goods receipt or invoice.

Click Save to close the window and save your settings.

See Also

System Defaults

Appointment Options

Invoice/Receipt Options

Setting up Drug Labels

PACS Setup

VPM Mail Setup

Client and Patient Settings

Stock Settings