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Stock Settings

To set up or change Stock Settings

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Stock tab.


Stock Settings



Use the stock's description as the default search

The Search by field will default to stock description rather than stock code.

Default Search

Select the type of default search.

Use Average cost for stock valuations. Calculate the average cost from ......

Enables a current date to be selected for stock valuation.

Use a zero stocktake

As part of stock taking procedures, you can elect to zero the stock on hand quantities before entering correct stock figures.

Hide the onhand quantity for non stock / consumable items

Hides the negative onhand quantity for stock items which are not purchased, for example, services and fees.

Automatically display the stock list when an exact product is not found

A stock list will automatically be displayed if a code or a description without an exact match is entered.

Use a bar code scanner for finding products on the code field

Select only if using a bar code scanner.

Prompt on non-exact bar codes

When this option is selected a prompt will be displayed when there are no matching bar codes.

If this option is not selected, the closest matching bar code will be displayed.

Display the department onhand on the stock details window

When this option is selected, the department stock on hand amount will be displayed in the Stock Details window.

If not selected, the total stock on hand amount will be displayed in the Stock Details window.

Remove consumables from stock taking lists

When this option is selected any stock items which are marked as consumables will be removed from the stocktaking lists.

Use Infovet Groups

This should be ticked for clinics using this facility.

Use the Merial Ancare Export facility

This should be ticked for clinics using this facility.

Discount Options



Store the discount against each stock item

Stores the discount against each individual stock item instead of allocating to one discount account.

Add a single discount line item per invoice

Add one discount line per invoice rather than a discount line per stock item.

Discount stock code

Enter a stock code for applying discounts.

Click Save to close the window and save the settings.

See Also

System Defaults

Appointment Options

Invoice/Receipt Options

Setting up Drug Labels

PACS Setup

VPM Mail Setup

Client and Patient Settings

Financial Settings