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To place Stock on Backorder

You need to place stock on backorder when you have not received the full quantity of stock that you ordered. You can do this by changing the quantity received once you have created the supplier invoice.

  1. Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Ordering > Goods On Order.
  2. From the Goods on Order window, click Select Lines.
  3. From the Order Selection window, click the Order Number arrow, and select the order number you wish to view, and click OK.
  4. From the Goods on Order window, click Create Supplier Invoice.
  5. In the Invoice No. and Date fields, type the invoice number and date from the supplier's paper invoice.
  6. Click the User arrow, and then double-click to select your user code.
  7. Tab through to automatically populate Department field is automatically populated with the default department code.
  8. For each stock item that you need to change, double-click the stock item and then in the Qty field, overtype the quantity with the correct quantity received.
  9. The Net, GST, and Total amounts at the bottom of the window are calculated automatically.
  10. To enter freight onto the invoice, in the GL Code field, type the freight GL code, and click the GL Code list arrow, and then from the GL Account List window, double-click to select the general ledger code for freight.
  11. When all relevant items on the invoice have been changed, click Save.

See Also

Inserting a Supplier Invoice

To create a Supplier Invoice for stock

To create a Supplier Invoice for services

To create a Supplier Invoice from Goods on Order

To create a Supplier Invoice from a Goods Receipt

Delayed Charging

To download an Invoice from e-Order

To insert a Credit Note for stock

To insert a Credit Note for expenses or services

To insert a Prompt Payment Discount

To print Barcode Labels

To view Supplier Activity from an Invoice

To print a Supplier Invoice