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To print a Supplier Invoice

  1. Go to: Main menu > Suppliers module > Suppliers menu > Supplier Details > select supplier > Activity
  2. In the Supplier Activity window, in the From and To fields, type the date range that includes the transactions you wish to view, and click Rebuild.

    The supplier activity is displayed.

  3. From the Supplier Activity window select the invoice that you wish to print and click Print.
  4. Select a report destination, and click OK.

See Also

Inserting a Supplier Invoice

To create a Supplier Invoice for stock

To create a Supplier Invoice for services

To create a Supplier Invoice from Goods on Order

To create a Supplier Invoice from a Goods Receipt

Delayed Charging

To download an Invoice from e-Order

To insert a Credit Note for stock

To insert a Credit Note for expenses or services

To insert a Prompt Payment Discount

To print Barcode Labels

To view Supplier Activity from an Invoice

To place Stock on Backorder