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How to mark an animal as deceased

There are two ways of deceasing an animal in VisionVPM:

  1. Manual mode from the Animal Details window
  2. Automatic mode from an invoice.

When you decease an animal, you can allow VisionVPM to automatically delete reminders, future appointments and future diary notes for deceased animals. To set up automatic deletion go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Client tab.

Manually deceasing an animal

Go to: Clients menu > Animal Details > select animal.

  1. From the Animal Details window, select the Deceased check box.

  2. Click Save.

    If you have selected to automatically remove reminders as per above, VisionVPM will automatically delete all:

    Otherwise, VisionVPM will display a prompt similar to the one below:

Automatically deceasing an animal

You will need to mark related stock items to decease an animal, for example, Euthanasia.

When you invoice the stock item, and you have selected to automatically remove reminders

VisionVPM will display a prompt, similar to the one below:

Click Yes to mark the selected animal as deceased.

If either the Hide animals Deceased or Hide animals Both option has been selected in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Client tab, the deceased animal will not be displayed on the Client Details window.

If either of these option has not been selected, the deceased animal will remain on the Client Details window, but will be displayed in grey and at the bottom of the list.

Deceased animals will also be displayed in grey in the Animal List.

See Also

Animal Details

Search for Animal

Animal Details window

Main tab

History tab

Activity tab

Photo tab

Reports tab

Creating and editing an Animal Record

Creating and editing an Equine Record

How to mark an animal as inactive

How to reactivate an inactive animal

Inserting animal reminders

Working with lab results

Importing and exporting clinical records

Animal Analysis Groups

Transferring Animal Activity

Transferring an animal

Dealing with duplicated animal records

Referral Vets