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Inserting animal reminders

Reminders can be inserted automatically through the clinical records and use of stock items. Reminders can also be inserted manually for example, for patients new to the clinic with an existing vaccination history.

Inserting Manual Reminders

  1. After you have inserted a new animal, from the Animal Details window, click the Reminders tab and then click the Pencil button.

From the Client Reminder window, click the Reminder Code arrow, and select the type of reminder you wish to insert.

  1. In the Date Due field, type the date that the reminder is due.
  2. In the Qty field, type the quantity of the selected reminder for which the animal is due.
  3. In the User Code field, type your user code.
  4. Click Save.


Automatic Reminders

Reminder Codes can be attached to stock records and the reminders are automatically generated whenever you invoice a stock item with an attached reminder.

For further information regarding setting up reminders refer to the Stock User Guide.

See Also

Animal Details

Search for Animal

Animal Details window

Main tab

History tab

Activity tab

Photo tab

Reports tab

Creating and editing an Animal Record

Creating and editing an Equine Record

How to mark an animal as deceased

How to mark an animal as inactive

How to reactivate an inactive animal

Working with lab results

Importing and exporting clinical records

Animal Analysis Groups

Transferring Animal Activity

Transferring an animal

Dealing with duplicated animal records

Referral Vets