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Dealing with duplicated animal records

If you find that you have duplicate patients in your database the following steps can be undertaken to merge the patients, their clinical records and financial activity.

  1. Rename the duplicate patient
  2. Transfer clinical records
  3. Transfer clinical activity
  4. Delete duplicate animal record.

Step 1: Rename the duplicate patient

  1. Go to: Clients menu > Animal Details > select one of the duplicated animals and rename it. For example, Fluffy1.

Step 2: Transfer clinical records

  1. Go to the Animal Details window of the animal that you want to transfer from and then click the History tab.
  2. Select records to transfer.
  3. Click the More Commands menu and then click Transfer History.

  4. Click Yes and Ok to prompts.
  5. Find animal to transfer history to, in this example, Fluffy.
  6. Double-click the animal's name to complete transfer, in this example, Fluffy.

Step 3: Transfer clinical activity

  1. Navigate to Fluffy1's Animal Details window > Activity tab.
  2. Select transactions to transfer.
  3. Click Transfer Activity.

  4. Click Yes and Ok to prompts.
  5. Find animal to transfer activity to, in this example, Fluffy.
  6. Double-click animal's name to complete transfer, in this example, Fluffy.

Step 4: Delete duplicate animal record

You can now check that all Fluffy1's records and activity have been transferred to Fluffy. If they have been transferred correctly you can now delete Fluffy.

Go to the Commands menu > Delete Animal.

  1. Click Yes to the warning message.

See Also

Animal Details

Search for Animal

Animal Details window

Main tab

History tab

Activity tab

Photo tab

Reports tab

Creating and editing an Animal Record

Creating and editing an Equine Record

How to mark an animal as deceased

How to mark an animal as inactive

How to reactivate an inactive animal

Inserting animal reminders

Working with lab results

Importing and exporting clinical records

Animal Analysis Groups

Transferring Animal Activity

Transferring an animal

Referral Vets

Referral Vets

In VisionVPM you can attach a referring vet to an animal. You would do this, for example, when you have referred an animal to another veterinarian or when another veterinarian has referred an animal to you.

To use referral vets, they must be created in the Maintenance module.

Creating a referral vet

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Lookup Lists > Animal Related Lists > Referral Vets.
  2. From the Referral Vet List window, click Insert.

  3. Enter the details for the referral vet and click Save.

To attach a referral vet to an animal

  1. Go to: Clients menu > Animal Details > select animal.
  2. Click Referral Vet.

  3. Select the required referral vet and then click Referral.
  4. Click Yes to the prompt, similar to the one below:

  5. Click Close.

Referral Vet details on Admission List window

Go to: Clients menu > Admission List.

VisionVPM displays the Referral Vet's details on the Admission List window. You need to scroll to the right of this window to see these details, as displayed in the screen shot below.

You can also run Marketing Searches on referral vets. Please refer to the Marketing user Guide for further information.